
Lent is upon us. It lasts until April 7, which is the day before Easter.

In Lent, it’s traditional to give up something that we do a lot of and that we find pleasure in. This ‘giving up’ is done as a discipline for learning self-control, to free our minds from the chase after material things, and as a reminder of Christ’s sufferings. It seems the most popular thing people do these days is give up food.

I am giving up Google and Yahoo! for Lent.

I have been using Google since the fall of 1998. It is currently the default search engine in the tool bar of Camino. From the looks of things it is not going to be all that easy to change. If anybody is geeky enough to understand and willing to help me do so it would be most appreciated.

MyYahoo! has been my default home page for I can not remember how long. It seems that a lot of work has gone into customizing it so that it is just so with stock quotes and RSS feeds. I am going to try Netvibes.

It will be an interesting experiment. And even more interesting to see if I switch back after 40 days.

February 21, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Web/Tech