Capital Connections Survey

Last night was the third Capital Connections event put on by the guys from Startup Lounge.  Another great event.  The only problem was that there were so many people there it was a bit crowded.   But that is a good problem to have.  Personally my only compliant is the constant ribbing I took for having “Observer” on my badge.  I never just observe anything.  Does anybody?  What about the observer effect?

Regardless, I saw some new companies that I had not seen before and some that have been around for awhile.  One of the companies that showed up for the first time was dNeero.  I have been helping the Joes out for a while and it was good to see them bringing the company out in the light.  dNeero gets my award for the best promotion, edging the guy holding the light bulb on the pole ala a music festival that I did not get a chance to meet.


February 7, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Angels, Entrepreneurship, Startups, Venture Capital