I purchased my PowerBook G4 1.0 12" back in 2004 after it was discontinued in April of that year. It’s about the size of an 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper and easily weighs less then five pounds. It was packed with everything I wanted in a laptop. Two USB ports, a FireWire port, a modem port, Ethernet port, WiFI, and Bluetooth. At the time the 40GB hard drive seemed huge for an ultra-portable. It was a deal at about $1,200. Somewhere along the line I maxed out the DRAM at 1.25GB. Great machine. It is my seventh laptop and the best one I have ever owned. It literally is my notebook. I carry it almost everyhere.
But that 40GB drive and 1.25 RAM are starting to get a little long in the tooth. So I have been waiting. And waiting. Waiting until today, when Apple would introduce its new product lineup. Let me tell you, I have been jonesing for a new laptop since last summer. Have the money set aside to buy it. I was hoping, really really hoping that Steveo would introduce the worthy replacement to my little friendly G4.
And I when I first laid eyes on the Air I thought that he did. It is a stunning, stunning piece of technology. Deserves a spot in MOMA. It is beautiful. Fake Steve would be proud.
But is it functional?
Some folks have claimed that it’s a little expensive, but the price point does not bother me.
Some folks have claimed that it is underpowered, but the specs do not bother me (I have a 2.4GHz 4GB memory iMac for video/photo editing and game on a console).
What bothers me is that to make the Air beautiful they removed all the holes and seams. It needs holes and seams. No Ethernet port? One USB port(which is claimed by the Ethernet adopter they sell for $29)(and a big BTW, I have never understood the whole Apple dongle thing, Steve must only like certain types of holes)? And battery that cannot be replaced by the user.
Yes, the Air comes with a battery that cannot be replaced by the user. Perhaps another Apple first. The cost of the battery is not that important. I am on my third battery on the G4. They routinely last about a year. No big deal. Go online order a new one when it gets a little weak. Have a spare. Take it on a trip. But to have to take the machine into Apple and get it replaced. Don’t know the details yet, but it sounds like I am without a laptop for a few days. Not acceptable.
So here I sit. With money to buy a new machine. A little disappointed. Not knowing what to do. The Air is a lacking in very important features. The Pro is a larger form factor than a prefer.
So that begs the question Air or Pro? What would you do?