For Olivia

Toby Bloomberg, who pushed me over the edge to blog, put a call out to the blogosphere to help a family care for their special 10 year old girl.

Take the time to read her story and do what you can.

For those of you with healthy children it will provide some perspective on how lucky you are.

June 5, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Personal

Happy Jack

Kate received an awful lot of attention this weekend. She was prepping for her first “sleep away” camp. At eight years old this was a big emotional moment for the Kokomo Kid. Kate was great with it all, and I had to go back into the cabin to get her to come out and give her mom a hug.


All this attention on Kate left Jack a little despondent. So I decided to take him shopping and get him a skateboard. Never seen a kid so proud leaving a store. This morning he woke up at 7:30, got dressed, and sneaked out to learn how to Ollie.

He researched how to board using Google. His first use of the web beyond playing games. He also called me goofy, which I am, when I tried to show him how to do it.

June 4, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Personal

Entrepreneurial Leadership Roundtable

ATDC recently entered into a partnership with TAG to deliver some great programming open to any technology entrepreneur.

The next in this series is Thursday June 7 from 7:30 to 10:15 am at the ATDC. For you not so early risers the programming really starts at 8:00 am. The format for these is that there is a speaker on a subject that goes from 8:00 to 9:00 am. Then from 9:15 to 10:15 is an technology entrepreneur only roundtable session.

The upcoming roundtable is focus on entrepreneurial leadership. The discussion will include the below and others related to the topic:

• What is the role of the entrepreneurial CEO?
• How does this change as the CEO brings on an executive team?
• How does the CEO role change as you proceed from founding through various phases of growth?
• How open should an entrepreneurial CEO be about challenging issues such as running out of money?
• How does an entrepreneurial CEO manage his or her time given the overwhelming demands?
• What if a founder has limited experience growing a venture?
• How does one know if it is prudent to give up the CEO role?

We are essentially extending some of the conversations that happen within the incubator to a larger group. Any technology entrepreneur that is interested in this topic and/or learning more about ATDC is welcome to register.

June 1, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in atdc, Entrepreneurship

Steve & Bill Onstage Together Part 1

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates being interviewed together by Walt and Kara at D. In this portion they talk about each other’s contribution to computing, and an early AAPL/MSFT deal among other things.

Amazing stuff.

It’s also way cool that they are letting me post the video from my online subscription to a blog.

  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Computing

June ATDC Info Session

The June ATDC Information Session will take place on Thursday June 21 from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in the ATDC Board Room. Here are the directions.

Here are the guidelines.

1. You must read about becoming an ATDC company on our Web site. The more you read the better.

2. You must RSVP via a comment on this post including your full name and a one sentence description of what you are creating. You will be asked to do this at the session as well. If you are not comfortable in telling folks exactly what you are working on, think of a way to generically tell the what, without telling the how.

3. If you can not abide by rules one and two do not attend.

Looking to see a good group there!

Update: I was told by an entrepreneur that some might find #3 offensive. That is far from my intent so I have stricken it from the post.

May 29, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in atdc

Googling Yourself

I have taken a bit of interest in the area of personal online reputation management recently. Somewhere along the line I came across this vid of Marge Simpson on the subject.

If you are hanging out on your backyard hammock this Memorial Day weekend keep your clothes on!

May 25, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Uncategorized

Angels in Atlanta

Yes they exist.

Knox Massey was gracious to let me sit in a room full of about 30 of them last night at the monthly Atlanta Technology Angels event. One of the companies that I play lead consultant on was presenting. Did a fine job I might add.

Both of the companies that presented were pre-revenue, so the ATA is looking at early-stage deals. Scott did a write up on the meeting process that aspiring entrepreneurs will find interesting. Scott arrived a little late. Traffic.

One of the things Knox announced early on is that the ATA recently had an exit (scroll down).

Perhaps a little more money available to put to work. If you are looking for early stage money in Atlanta you need to get in front of these guys.

And if that does not work go hang out at the Tech Square Starbucks and start talking to strangers.

May 24, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Angels

Free Wins Again

The Atlanta Journal reported today that CNN that will start offering its Pipeline service for free starting June 1. CNN had been selling the service for $25/year, $2.95/month, or $.99/day. As CNN is not disclosing subscriber numbers you can assume there were few. The only time they pulled in any sizable numbers were on days when they opened it up for free. To bolster their new free offering CNN entered into a pact with Internet Broadcasting Systems to offer local content in about 70 MSAs.

I have seen lots of primary and secondary consumer research on pay for content Internet services. With few exceptions that you would want to tell your mother about, consumers are not willing to pay for Internet content. I don’t know how many people I have heard say in focus groups/surveys/online “I can find it somewhere for free”.

And that they can.

May 22, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Internet