
My first few days at the ATDC have been action packed.

Day one was the normal filling out paperwork, figure out how to get email, print, and two last minute meetings to finalize plans for the The Georgia Tech Innovation Experience. This was an event to introduce out of town venture capitalists to the ATDC and part of the ION Venture Forum which was put on by The Atlanta CEO Council.

We wanted the investors to leave the ATL with three thoughts.

1. ATDC has provided great deal flow to investors.
2. ATDC has the infrastructure needed to launch and build venture backed companies.
3. ATDC can connect investors to exciting investment opportunities.

The Innovation Experience was put together by Charles Ross and did he do a bang up job.

The highlight of the day was the accelerated matching where twenty some odd investors intereacted with seventeen different ATDC and VentureLab companies in five minute meetings. Both the investors and entrepreneurs were engaged the entire time.

Never seen anything like it. The room was literally buzzing with excitement! Wore me out just watching.

I would venture to guess that it is a program that would be very hard to duplicate elsewhere and one that we will be doing again next year.

October 18, 2006  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Accelerators, Venture Capital