Computer Caring On The Rise

When Paul Graham declared that “Microsoft is dead” he also made the bold statement that “All the computer people use Macs or Linux now. Windows is for grandmas, like Macs used to be in the 90s. So not only does the desktop no longer matter, no one who cares about computers uses Microsoft’s anyway.”

Well Apple (AAPPL) released earnings tonight. Sales soared 22% year over year.

The surprising part, iPod sales declined 1%. All those $79 shuffles and perhaps folks waiting for the touchscreen iPod before upgrading (like me).

But Apple sold 1.5 million Macs last quarter compared with 1.1 million the last year, while computer revenue jumped to $2.27 billion from $1.57 billion a year earlier. Thats a 36% increcease in units and 44% increase in revenue. Granted, Apple’s market share ain’t much but a lot more folks seem to be paying a lot more money to own a Mac.

Lots of folks care about computers these days.

April 25, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Web/Tech