Secret Mission

Monica Doss of CED came down to Georgia last week to speak at the TAG/ATDC Entrepreneurs society.

I had two big takeaways from her presentation.

One is that they have the same seed funding issue in the RTP that seems to exist in Atlanta. I think we might have more bubbling here to solve the problem.

Two is that in addition to CED’s official mission to promote high growth, high impact entrepreneurial companies they had a secret mission. That mission was to move the entrepreneurial sub-culture into the main culture.

Good secret mission to work on in the ATL.

And BTW, moving beyond the presentation about 25 folks stuck around for the entrepreneurs’ P2P roundtable. Good stuff if you are a technology entrepreneur.

April 9, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Accelerators, atdc, Entrepreneurship