Paul Graham Was Wrong

When he stated that no one who cares about computers uses a Windows PC. But according to a new study by Forrester Mac users sure do care a lot more about the Internet or more specifically about user generated content on the Internet.

From a write up on the report from Jacqui Cheng over at Ars Technica entitled The Social Technography of Web 2.0:

According to the report, Mac users are significantly more likely than Dell users to fall into the “Creators” category—those who publish blogs, web pages, upload videos, and so on—with nearly twice as many Mac users (a bit over 20 percent) being Creators” than Dell users. Mac users were also more likely than Dell users to be “Critics” (those who comment on blogs and otherwise participate in discussion about the content posted by others), “Collectors” (those who use RSS and bookmarking/tagging services like, and “Joiners” (the group that uses social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook). The biggest percentage difference came in the “Spectators” category—those who merely read blogs, listen to podcasts, watch videos, etc.—where roughly 55 percent of Mac users fell but only 30 percent or so of Dell users.

Only about 35 percent of Mac users were “Inactives,” or those who are not involved in the ecosystem whatsoever, versus about 55 percent of Dell users.

This is not surprising given the stereotypes about Mac users being creative. However, I think this sterotype is morphing to include more business oriented types that have a keen interest in the Internet.

People that care about the Internet use Macs. I am not just saying, I have some facts.

May 3, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Internet