dNeero Social Surveys

My dear friend Joe Reger has had dNeero in public beta for about a month. This is my first attempt to use the service. Pretty smooth, though truth be told I have never seen Hell’s Kitchen, the show. I actually worked in that area during a brief stint with UPS in metro NYC.

I was walking through Hell’s Kitchen one day going to some meeting when I was approached by a young attractive lady (YAL) with a rather short and extremely tight dress.

YAL: Yous wanna go and have some fun.
Lance: No, I have some work to do.
YAL: Well ahhs girl gotta work too!…

as I continued across West 43rd Street.

True story.

The dNeero widget of the Hell’s Kitchen survey is posted below. You can take the survey yourself or see how others have responded.

PS: Joe do some American Inventor surveys.

July 20, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Web/Tech