Skribit Widget

If you want to see how the Skribit widget works mosey on over to Startup South where you can see the widget embedded in the right sidebar.

We made this widget because one of the biggest problems bloggers face is what should they write about?  Often times the best topics come from readers via email or in the comments section of the blog.  Skribit improves upon this by providing an easy way for bloggers to receive suggestions from their readers via a simple suggestion mechanism.   Once an idea has been submitted other readers can vote on suggested topics. This way a blogger already has an idea how much inherent interest there is in a certain topic before they write an article.

FoG uses TypePad advanced templates so it is going to take some minor coding to get it on this blog, but it is coming.  Let me know about your experience with Skribit.

November 12, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Web/Tech