Forty Seven

I am 47 today.

Historically the birthdays ending in seven have been the toughest for me.  For some reason it is the year that mentally puts me in the next decade of my life.  I think that the sevens often cause me to be reflective and to take some measure of my life.

For a poor boy from Kentucky I have a lot to be thankful for.  I have a great wife, two great kids, my family, my health, a great job with good companies to work with at the center of a vibrant technology community that I have the honor of leading from time to time.

Today is a day to celebrate mid life.  No crisis here.  I will work a bit, cut out a bit early, play with the kids, and spend the evening with Abby at Rathbun’s Steakhouse (if I can fight off this darn cold).  And then maybe sneak in a little of the Bears game.

Happy birthday to me!

December 17, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Personal