Super Vote Tuesday

I am going to go vote today as I ususally do when given the privilege.  It makes me feel proud to live in this great country of ours.  And despite the challenges we face this election year this country is great.

 I came into work real early this morning, have a series of meetings, and then am going to the polling place to vote before heading home to take care of Kate and Jack who remain sick.

Last night Abby and I discussed the election over dinner.  I had not made up my mind on who I was going to vote for.  Last election I voted for the guy that lost.  My vote was driven by social issues.  This year fiscal issues are driving my decision.  Which made me state pretty early on that I won’t vote for any candidate that wants to raise taxes.  I admire the leadership that Hillary and Obama are displaying, but I can’t vote for them.

And while I am not a staunch died in the wool Republican (remember, I voted for the other guy last time) this leaves me with McCain and Romney.  They both scare me in some way, mostly over social issues, but if they win my taxes are not going up.  But McCain seems too old, too inside, and too pandering for the conservative vote.  Mitt won my vote in the California debate.  He seems to be the only person that understands and willing to address that we have to stop treating entitlement spending as a fixed cost.  He wants to do this via private retirements accounts.  He wants to offer tax breaks to people making less then $200,000 eliminating capital gains tax (thus spurring innovation), interest, and dividends for most.  He wants to pay for this by cutting government spending.  Sounds good to me.

On another level Mitt seems the most executive like to me of all the candidates. And I want an executive to run the executive branch.  So Mitt gets my vote today.  Like the Giants, he is the dog.  Like the Giants, I hope he wins.  If he does not I don’t know what I am going to do come November.

If you want to find out where to vote and get a summary of the issues go to this article by Tessa.  And if you are looking for some motivation to vote go read this by Seth.

February 5, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Uncategorized