Hat in Hand

On Tuesday Stephen Fleming announced on twitter that the Director of ATDC job has been posted.  This led to a small twitter flurry from folks like Sam Bowen, Jeff Haynie, Michael Mealling, and a DM or two suggesting that I am a good candidate for the position.  While I appreciate the support from the entrepreneurial community and have the required skills and experience in the job description, I am not throwing my hat in the ring for consideration.  I feel that with the public show of support I need to let people know why.

First of all, it’s off strategy.  To be clear, as I have stated before, I love my job.  But I am not here to climb the ladder at Georgia Tech.  I am here to find other like thinking entrepreneurs and create/join a startup that I can make go.  Becoming the Director of ATDC is a long-term commitment that takes me away from my goal.

Second, Haynie is right, I have great passion for technology startups.  I enjoy interacting with and helping entrepreneurs. Becoming Director of ATDC would most likely reduce the amount of time I can spend on what I most enjoy about my work.

So, I am staying on the sidelines for this one.  I trust Wayne Hodges and the search committee he has assembled will do a bang up job finding the perfect candidate.  While that is taking place I intend to keep doing my part as a Venture Catalyst with the same energy and passion that you have seen over the past 16 months.

March 13, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Personal