
I have been.  And I gave in.

I bought a MacBook Air.  Perhaps not the most rational decision in the world.  But Paul Stamatiou (his review) walking into a meeting with one pushed me over the edge.  I purchased a gently used 1.6 GHz model on eBay for less than $1,500.

I asked my readers if I should get a MacBook Pro or the Air when it was launched.  Surprisingly, most of the hackers who responded suggested getting the Macbook.  The plain MacBook sans the Pro.  And it is indeed has the best performance/price ratio.  That would be the most rational choice for many.

But an equal number of people suggested I go with the Air.  My friend Joe Reger opined; "I’ve seen you out and about with a smaller laptop and have to believe
that the portability and form factor is important to you."
  Joe knows me well.  What it came down to is I did not want to increase the weight and footprint of what I carry around all the time.  Given that I have a primary machine that I use for the heavy lifting of photo editing and mostly use a laptop for Internet communications, web apps, and Office, the Air has plenty of juice for me.

And on top of that my kids think it’s cool.

March 24, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Computing