Boxcars & Big Men

Those that have been following my twitter stream know that I slept in a boxcar the last two nights.

Really. Real boxcars.  Here is a picture of the one I slept in.


And the larger box car yard is below.  You can see the bag man of Big Rock Valley, Casey Jones, on the left in the distance.  There are a total of five cars in the yard.  I would need a wide angle lens to capture them all.  Should have brought the big camera gear.


Here is a close up of Casey Jones.  He stands about 25′.  Notice the distinct left hand down right hand up characteristic.  It means something.  Like he is not a fake.  As if someone can fake a 25′ tall steel dude holding an oil can.


The boxcars where not nearly as bad as I made them out to be in on twitter.  They were furnished.  And heated.  I did have to share a bunk room in one. 


All in all Big Rock Valley is a bit of a surreal place.  But if you make like $600 million selling Tidy Cat to Purina you could build one yourself.  It’s a place where you could picture some combo of a scene of Garden State meets Fargo being filmed.

You heard it hear first.

April 2, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Uncategorized