What Does Your Company Do?

I spent a good chunk of yesterday afternoon in a fun session with Scott Burkett, Melanie Leeth, and Ashish Mistry prepping the finalists in the GRA/TAG Business Launch Competition for their presentations next Wednesday.  All good presentations from companies with potential.  But several of them took well over four minutes to getting around to stating what their company does.

Guy Kawasaki has a pretty darn funny post over on the Sun small business blog on how to pick up a VC  that addresses this issue.  His primary point, explain what you do upfront.  That is pretty much what we told the presenters and would say to any aspiring entrepreneur.  You want VC to think about how they are going to make boatloads of money off of your concept.  Tell them the concept and they can dream the rest. 

Trust me, that happened a few times yesterday too.

May 30, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital