Noro Moseley Getting All Social

Greg Foster and Alan Taetle of Noro Moseley Partners recently went on StartupLounge to talk about a host of subjects around the startup and venture capital world.

During the show Alan mentioned that he is keenly focused on getting involved with the entrepreneurial community.  As I previously wrote, Noro is working with and ATDC towards this end.

More specifically he announced that ATDC and Noro are working to create quarterly "acceleration" sessions that will enable entrepreneurs to get in front of such folks as the Atlanta Technology Angels, Imlay Investments, Noro, and Tech Operators.  This would create an opportunity for early stage companies to get good advice on moving their business forward and exposure to local early stage capital.

NMP is also looking to attract other funds to the area and believes there is an opportunity to provide local startups with exposure to West coast firms such as Benchmark, Sequoia, and Trinity.  The general thought is that ATDC can open up its weekly brown bag sessions to the broader entrepreneurial community once a month and have these folks can come in and reverse pitch their business. Again providing exposure to entrepreneurs as well as insight into how VCs in other parts of the country operate.

All of this is in its formative stages.  Both Alan and I intend to attend Open Coffee on Wednesday before CapitalLounge and would love to hear your thoughts on how to move these initatives forward in a way that will help the Atlanta startup scene.

August 25, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Venture Capital