Lost amid all the chatter here and on Hacker News responding to Paul Graham's "Can You Buy A Silicon Valley" was this little tidbit that flew by in the twitter stream.
Last week the Georgia General Assembly favorably reported on a resolution (SR 166) creating the SITE (science, innovation, technology, and energy) to Grow Georgia Alternative Financing, and Entrepreneurship Study Committee. The goal of the study is to determine how to invest public funds and greater support the growth of entrepreneurship to make Georgia the "#1 DESTINATION FOR ENTREPRENEURS" (all caps theirs).
Here is the complete resolution.
I hope the representatives involved in the study read the Paul Graham plan. I really don't think they would support such a radical idea. An idea that requires density of startups and the most logical place for that density is Midtown Atlanta. But I do think it will foster fresh ideas to improve the entrepreneurial state of Georgia.
The sponsors of the resolution are Amos Amerson, Mike Cheokas, Bill Hembree, and Bob Smith. It would not hurt to drop them an email sharing your thoughts on what needs to happen in your mind to support the growth of entrepreneurship in Georgia.