On Alltop

FoG has made its way onto Alltop’s Top Startup News (with its humorous “See also Venture Capital and Egos” sub heading).  I am quite honored.  It’s kinda cool though I don’t think I qualify as one of the cool kids.

Alltop is an “online magazine rack” of popular topics. Alltop updates the stories every hour and users pick topics by searching, news category, or name.  A few weeks ago Alltop launched their MyAlltop feature, which
allows users to create a custom Alltop page that contains only the subscriptions to the websites and blogs they want.

Here’s a nice little walk through.

With the new customization features I can see how the less technically inclined (the majority of folks who use the Internet BTW) might find Alltop very useful.  At a higher level Alltop’s apporach is part of the answer to the information overload problem.  After all, info overload is merely bad design, which is exactly the issue for the way most RSS readers operate.  Alltop says it is aggregation without aggravation.  Perhaps.

You can find my Alltop page at my.alltop.com/lance.  You might want to go grab yours.

April 1, 2009  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Internet