To Quote or Not to Quote

That is the question. 

One of the mainstay features on FoG over the past two years has been the "quote of the week".  It is a post that appears every Friday at noon (I tried 3:14 for a period, but noon works better).  It started as a throwaway, something to get a quick and easy article up at the end of the week.  Quotes are easy to find if you are looking for them. 

It has evolved into a pretty popular series.  One of the quote of the week posts generated more comments than any other article in the history of FoG.  Heck I even used the quotes to create a presentation called "Startups in 12 Quotes" that generated over 2,700 views, 18 favs, and 9 embeds on slideshare.

But with the break from FoG I have also been thinking if I wanted to continue with the quote of the week feature.  But instead of deciding by myself in some misguided self-absorbed vacuum, I thought I would ask the audience via a poll.

Please take a moment to take the poll. And comments beyond the poll are of course welcome.

June 3, 2009  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Customer Focus, Fun, Personal, Presentations, Quotes