Back On Foursquare

Back in April I quit Foursquare.  But I have been using it again for about five weeks or so.  The opening of the Tech Square Waffle House kinda got me to open the app again, and I have been on it pretty consistently since.  Here's why.

There is value.  Somewhere along the line merchants caught on to using Foursquare to drive business. Whether at Marlow's in Atlanta or Simply Splendid Salads in Louisville, retailers are catching on.  I bet I have saved over $30 using Foursquare in the past month.  In these times being frugal is good for everyone.

No spoilers.  Nothing worse then learning via your social network that Spain won 1 – 0 on a corner when you are Tivoing or expecting to catch the late replay telecast of the match.  This does not happen on Foursquare. You do not tell people what is happening or what you are doing.  You tell them where you are.  Foursquare is a great Facebook/Twitter alternative publishing tool.  It enables you to avoid your social stream if you need to do so while not completely jacking out.

Social network management nuances. I don't intend to explain this fully but there are certain things that you can do with Foursquare that allow you to manage your social network relationships in a more real world way. You can do things with your more intimate Foursquare network when you are in the same physical locale and communicate them out to your broader networks in a way that keeps all your relationships happy and healthy. That is all I am saying.

So I am back on Foursquare, let's see how long it lasts this time.

July 19, 2010  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Social