Well Let’s Find Out

So TechDrawl is saying let’s somehow build a new investor orientation that does not exist in Atlanta.  It is my point of view that doing this is going to take a bit of time to correct and entrepreneurs should focus on building their businesses. At some point this is essentially the local investors don’t get it or the startups are not fundable.

Let’s find out.

It just so happens that Fred Wilson wrote an article today about AngelList.  The name says it all. A big long list of angel investors and the deals they have done. While I am sure that is ideal to have someone already committed before you do so and a warm intro to one of the folks on AngelList, it is not necessary.

They have a nice little application form.  The things it asks for are interesting.  A product demo, team, social proof, traction, and differentiation.  That is what angels investors in San Francisco are asking. Sounds familiar to me and I have not been to the valley in a while.

Anyhow, you think you got what it takes?  Reach out to me and let’s work your deal. It’s what I do for a living.  And on Saturday morning for fun.

July 24, 2010  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Angels, Entrepreneurship, Startups