Here There Everywhere

So this little meme about how different things are in Atlanta than other parts of the startup world has cropped up again. I don't think so much. And instead of pontificating a point of view I will tell you a real story that a few people are familiar with, the company conceived at Atlanta Startup Weekend 2007, Skribit

So Skribit got rolling. Launched a nice product. Got a lot of attention. Decent traction. It's the summer of 2008. I am having a little chat with an investor. Question. What are you guys going to do with Skribit? Answer. Seems a little small.

Fast forward.  2010.  Skibit founder Paul Stamatiou meets the Startup Boy himself, Naval Ravikant. Naval founded VentureHacks and AngelList. Navel invested in Twitter and Disqus.  Guess what Naval told Paul.  Yep. Market seems small.

From there to here, from here to there, fundable companies are everywhere.  And if they are not it is usually for the same reason.  If you are not getting traction with investors don't blame them. Figure out the reason why. Fix it.

August 3, 2010  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship, Startups