So over on Quora someone posed the question "what are the most interesting tech startups in Atlanta?" I responded with a top 20. It's a bit of a personal list. I figure that we can have a more interesting discussion here as opposed to there. So here's my list with a short blurb on each.
BLiNQ Media
Founder Dave Williams and three simple rules. No drama. No bullshit. Don't fuck up.
Successful entrepreneur and former VC Greg Foster tackling the lead gen space.
Most of the N2 team working on the future of TV with wins at all the major MSOs.
Successful mobile entrepreneurs attacking the intersection of deals and location based services.
Cloud Sherpas
Revenue traction in a big big space.
Unique hosted PCI solution.
Endgame Systems
A big hunk of the ISS tech team tackling an important and interesting problem.
Adding 4,000 new paying customer a month at a min of $15 each. Every WC VC wants a piece. The monkeys continue to focus on the bananas.
CEO Jamie Gallo has domain expertise and is building a solid business.
The latest Shotput Ventures play creating a cross LBS check in loyalty application with early customer traction.
A media spin out of Turner focused on high school sports.
Armistead Whitney is working deals to position the company for growth.
How can you not like the scrappy team Regator? They have a real business model in all that curated media. And they brought us Mashlanta.
Dave and Michael have the WC feel going, good customer traction, and an interesting spin on social commerce.
Dave Wright is back in the saddle after a nice JungleDisk win.
Ciba spinout is executing a smart funding strategy and creating a big retail presence.
Startup Weekend company with backing from Ashish Bahl.
Vertical Acuity
The big idea is to move content to people. Perhaps part of the answer for old media.
Founder Reggie Bradford has brought on board a number of the MindSpring team to scale this social media play.
This young team from Emory may have cracked the code to efficient hyper-growth in the world of entertainment shopping.
In hindsight I would have put Cardlytics on the list. And had to chop off more than a few worthy companies to get to twenty.
Who did I miss? What are the most interesting tech startups in Atlanta?
Disclaimer: I know the founders of all of these companies. I work with a number of them on a regular basis. I participated in the initial formation of Twitpay.