Moving Forward At All Times

Part of a email to everyone at Half Off Depot, a growth phase startup where I work.

Here is my offering for the day. This one pertains to the lesson of General George W. Patton, and I'll call it: "Don't be a jackass!"

To paraphrase one of Patton's standing orders, he told his troops, "I never want to hear that we're holding our lines. We will be moving forward at all times."

Well, soon enough, his army was in battle and on the march. Suddenly, it came to a grinding halt.

Frustrated, Patton ordered his driver to take him to the front of the column to see what was holding them up. When he arrived, he found that the troops and all their tanks and vehicles had been stopped dead in their tracks by a peasant's donkey and cart that were blocking a one-lane bridge. To his utter disbelief, Patton found that several of his men were struggling with the donkey, trying to get it to move. Without hesitation, he drew his pistol, shot the donkey and had his men throw it over the bridge.

As a General responsible for the lives of thousands of men and tasked with winning a war against an evil foe, Patton knew that he did not have one minute to spare.

How does this pertain to us? We will be moving forward at all times. Don't be a jackass.

Pretty good story if you ask me. I for one will indeed be moving forward at all times.

July 12, 2011  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Half Off Depot, Management, Startups