Brave & Persistent

We have been looking for a community manager to join Half Off Depot for sometime. The basic plan was to have introductory meetings and then move forward with second interviews where the candidates would provide an overview of what they would do if given the job. Best plan gets to execute kind of thing.

I had a good first meeting with a woman who I will call Brigette, mainly because that is her real name. We setup the follow up meeting on the spot. I was a little worried about the timing of it and mentioned this to her. More than once. She said she was in. And then she cancelled. She had a reason. It did not matter. I blew her up. She was no longer a candidate. A commitment with care thing. This was back in June.

Mid July Brigette sent me this note.

Hi Lance,

I attended a social media meeting recently, which underlined two key qualities of a good community manager: being brave and being persistent. I figured it was the universe’s way of telling me to send you the deck I created for the Half Off Depot Community Manager position.

If you haven’t hired anyone yet, I’m still interested and enthusiastic … and to prove it, here’s the first Half of my deck. The rest, I’d like to show you in person.

Here’s the deck. To add a little context to the title slide Mr. Livewell is our mascot.

I wanted the full story. She earned herself another shot. Brigette starts at Half Off this week. I think she is going to be a great.

Be brave. Be persistent.

September 13, 2011  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Half Off Depot, Management, Presentations