On Blogging

So about two months ago over on Atlanta Starup Community Johnny Bird wrote an article about why more of Atlanta's startup community leaders should blog. Of course they should. And I meant to wrote a response to Johnny's article agreeing with him 100%. But I did not. For one simple reason. It is kinda tough to find the time to blog when a dozen other more pressing things are commanding, yes commanding your time. Commanding it on things that are mostly hard to share in a public venue.

So I ran into Johnny at Venture Atlanta yesterday. I told him it was time for fresh blood to pick up the baton. He's a good sales guy. He convinced me otherwise. So here is a non committal I am going to start blogging a bit more. Not sure I have the time. We will see where this goes.

October 18, 2012  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Personal