Charles Brewer On Guitar

In the last of my MindSpring throwback video posts we have Charles Brewer on guitar. I believe that these sessions were taped at one of the company’s all hands meeting in Q1 of 1997 shortly after we became profitable. The first song is called “Profit.” I am not sure what song it is based on. The second is simply “MindSpring” sung to the tune of The Trogg’s “Wild Thing.”

When I first met Charles he was romping around with a three legged dog and a pager throwing a frisbee in Piedmont Park. I thought he was a little odd. When you are the CEO of a public company that prepares sing alongs for company meetings I suppose you are eccentric.

Good times.

January 15, 2015  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Fun, Music, Startups