CallRail #1 In Call Tracking Satisfaction

G2 Crowd, a Yelp for business to business software, released their evaluation of Call Tracking software yesterday. Based on reviews from more than a thousand product users, I am thrilled to say that CallRail was ranked #1 in user satisfaction.

Our placement in G2 Crowd’s evaluation was based on more than 200 reviews from CallRail users, who praised our ease of use, robust analytics, wide range of integrations, great customer support staff, and being quite the bargain to boot. As you can see in the G2 Crowd call tracking grid, CallRail is literally off the chart.

There can be no higher honor for us at CallRail than to be rated highest in customer satisfaction by our users. But there is one thing that I am equally pleased with about this ranking. Back in April the CallRail marketing team saw an opportunity with the G2 Crowd call tracking grid and set out to become recognized as a leader in the call tracking market. In the report G2 Crowd did just that. Moreover CallRail was noted for its significant movement in position since the Spring ’15 report as you can see in CallRail’s grid velocity which is called out in the report.

G2 Crowd Call Tracking Grid Velocity CallRail

Going from a niche player to a leader with the highest customer satisfaction in eight months is quite the achievement.

Good work by a good marketing team.

January 5, 2016  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in CallRail