CRV QuickStart

Charles River Ventures announced the launch of their QuickStart program today.

From the site:

CRV has created an innovative program to eliminate these issues and help entrepreneurs get up and running quickly – the CRV QuickStart Seed Funding Program. CRV QuickStart provides select entrepreneurs with a loan to fund the work needed to build out your idea, enabling you to explore its potential in its earliest stage ­ before you raise a round of formal equity financing. By offering up to $250,000 in the form of a loan (also referred to as a “convertible note”), we’re providing you with the capital to fuel your ideas without equity dilution. As a non-equity financing, no public filing is required. As a result, entrepreneurs can stay in stealth mode during their seed phase, which is often an important competitive advantage.

You can get on thier radar by emailing

Josh Kopelman has some interesting thoughts on this with links to even more.

My thought is that it may not be a bad place to go look for a little money if you have the type of business where $250,000 will get you to a Series A.

November 1, 2006  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital