Resistance is Futile

If markets are conversations.

And they are.

You have to engage in the conversation.


To guide the direction of the market.
To put a face on your company.
To be real.
To get better noticed by search engines (both evil and non-evil).
To know what customers and competitors are saying about you.
To correct them when they are wrong and solve their problems when they are not.
To get the attention of someone you want to get the attention of.
To gain respect.

Yesterday at the ATDC Scott Burkett of HiddenMarket gave a presentation on Strategic Bloging for Startups. It was a good show. One of the examples that Scott used was how he got the attention of Union Square Ventures via strategic blogging.

Somewhat ironic that Fred had a post yesterday about the need for one of his portfolio companies to particiapte in the blogosphere.

If you are a CEO of a startup/emerging technology company your number one marketing communications priority should be blogging. No doubt about it.

November 2, 2006  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Uncategorized