GRA TAG Business Competition

Seems to be the season of the business plan competition.

The Georgia Research Alliance and Technology Association of Georgia have announced the GRA/TAG 2007 Business Launch Competition.

They are awarding a $100,000 cash prize plus a suite of services valued at $150,000. Instructions to apply are here. Applications are due February 19.

I participated last year as an entrepreneur. It was a great experience and this is a great program. GRA and TAG have asked the ATDC to partner with them on this program. As a result I will be judging some of the preliminary submissions. My advice is to use the template on the ATDC web site for your preliminary executive summary.

For reasons that I don’t quite understand, submissions are limited to companies with financial service and supply chain managment technologies. In my mind we should just be looking for the biggest opportunities.

And somebody please remind me to place the disclaimer that the views represented on this blog are my own in one of the side bars real soon.

January 16, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship