Quote of the Week

"Even if Microsoft does outbid Google in a testosterone-driven rage,
moreover, Google will still win.  Why?  Because Microsoft will overpay,
too–wildly–and won’t get much for its money.  Facebook will no doubt
extract other concessions (great pricing on ad sales, full control,
etc.), and then will probably take Microsoft’s money and turn its

Henry Blodgett

With all due respect and hearty congratulations to Facebook for securing $240 million at a $15 billion valuation, there is no way that Facebook is worth that number on an economic or even strategic basis.  But as I said when the first Micosoft/Facebook deal was announced, when you try to steal the ruby slippers the Wicked Witch of the West is coming after you.

October 26, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Quotes