Oh Atlanta

Brand Atlanta has rightfully decided to dump the "Everyday is an opening day" campaign that they have wasted millions on.

The replacement.

"City Light, Southern Nights." 

Great job folks.  Another distinctive, rolls right off the tongue slogan.  First thing that popped into my mind?  A porn shop I pass on the way to photog class.

Several years ago when Atlanta developed the three O’s of boundless opportunity, inspired optimism, and universal openness I thought they had created a pretty good messaging platform.  Why do they keep messing up the execution.  Could it be because they are still using Lattimer Moffitt (no Web site to link to, that says boatloads right there), an agency involved since the inception of Brand Atlanta? Perhaps.

Not just to be Mr. Negative Boy, here’s a suggestion.  A free suggestion at that, that won’t cost millions of dollars. Introduce another O.  Oh Atlanta.  As in the Little Feat song.

"Oh Atlanta
Oh Atlanta
I said oh, oh Atlanta
I got to get back to you"

It builds on the O’s, it is distinctive, and it is memorable.  If you know the song it will be in your head for the rest of the day.  Contemporize the song with newer artists/execution and you would have a winner.

October 24, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Marketing