Friends Don’t Spam Friends

Yesterday Facebook made their big announcement about their advertising platform.  Facebook is selling ads that display people’s profile photos next to commercial messages that are shown to their friends about items they purchased, voiced an opinion about, or perhaps a FB app that is itself an advertising play.

According to The New York Times  Facebook is going to message me when my friends opt-in to sharing what they are doing:

"For example, going forward, a Facebook user who rents a movie on
will be asked if he would like to have his movie choice broadcast out
to all his friends on Facebook. And those friends would have no choice
but to receive that movie message, along with an ad from Blockbuster."

Mark Zuckerberg said in the announcement that “nothing influences a person more than a recommendation from a trusted friend."   Facebook is stepping over the line of permission I have given them while hiding behind the wall (pun intended) that they are not initiating the action, my friends are. 

And if you start sending boatloads of advertising related messages around Facebook you will find yourself less trusted with at least one fewer friend.

Stammy thinks Facebook apps killed Facebook.  Maybe.  I think social advertising is a much more dangerous move for the company.

November 7, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Internet, Marketing, Web/Tech