Interesting article by Michael Boskin the op ed section of The Wall Street Journal yesterday (paywall). Most interesting part is the table showing the changes in marginal tax rates for those earning above $250k (which, as a current public servant for the state of Georgia I do not, and seriously question defining a duel income household with kids and such earnings as “rich”).
Think the prospect of Mr. Obama winning the general election and
increasing the tax on dividends from 15% to 39.6% combined with his capital gains plan has anything to do with the current behavior of the stock market?
Money quote. “Despite his obvious general intelligence, and uplifting and motivational eloquence, Sen. Obama reveals his startling economic illiteracy in his policy proposals and economic pronouncements….if the proposals espoused by candidate Obama ever became law, the American economy would suffer a serious setback.”
One can only hope for a move to economic center between now and November.