Awareness Achieved

It has been a long time since the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has shown any interest in the Atlanta startup community.  Not since the bubble burst.  That changed in the past five days.

That changed when David Markiewicz wrote a story in the business section on Venture Atlanta (a great show BTW).  It changed in a big way when James Mallory wrote an op-ed piece on why "We must invest in our entrepreneurs" in the main section of the Sunday edition.  The page was filled out with a piece by Tom Noonan and John Yates on "Atlanta's startups give hope", and one by Mohan Sawhney on "New companies thrive on tough economic times."  

A full page.  In the Sunday paper.  On startups.  On a page devoted to issues important to our community.  The big community of the city of Atlanta.

Atlanta' startup technology is indeed alive and hopeful.  People are noticing. 

Rock on.

October 19, 2009  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship, Startups