Emory Entrepreneurial Leadership Event

Emory Entrepreneurial Leadership Event On October 28 I am going to be making my way a few miles east to Emory University and the Goizueta Business School to moderate the Emory Entrepreneurial Leadership Event

Sitting on the panel are Don Brown, Founder & President of Twitpay, Scott Geller, CEO of Zooz Mobile, and Scott Ryan, President and CEO of Asankya

While billed as a way for folks to learn about ATDC I am really looking forward to getting connected with and learning about what is taking place within the Emory entrepreneurial community. The Goizueta Alumni Entrepreneur Network, Emory Undergraduate Entrepreneurs Network, Goizueta Technology Association, and Goizueta Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Club are all involved.  

Should be a fun night.  Major props to Dave Williams of BLiNQ Media in leading the charge in bringing all these people together.

The event is open to all.

October 20, 2009  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in atdc, Entrepreneurship