Going to Internet Summit

Being employed by Georgia Tech means that I don’t travel that much for business these days. In all the time I have been at ATDC I think I have gotten on a plane for business exactly once (make that twice, it was a round trip ticket). The first week of November I am going to do it again. I am going to TechJournal South’s Internet Summit 09 in Raleigh. Not only am I going, I am paying for the trip out of my own pocket. For me to start writing personal checks I need to be a little excited. And I am super excited about Internet Summit.

First of all Eric Gregg the publisher of TechJournal South and director of TechJournal South always puts on a heck of a show. They have what looks to be a great networking event on the opening night followed by a day of top notch panels/presentations with executives from comScore, Blogger, Digg, ESPN, Meebo, Pandora, Tapulous, Technorati, Twitter, and Salesforce to name a few. And Don Brown from Twitpay is on the agenda as well.  They are also having a demo pit where a dozen or so of the local Internet hotties are going to be showing off their goods.

Looking forward to what I expect to be more than a full day of connecting and learning with these folks that are a bit outside of my normal circle. Registration is still open. They are expecting a record crowd. I hope to see you there.

October 22, 2009  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Internet