My First Online Bio

In the curious way that the Internet sometimes ensnares you.  A series of events led me back to my first Web site. There is some oddly interesting stuff in there. This is a first in a series. My personal bio, circa 2000.

Welcome to the World!
I was in a hurry to get here. Born a bit early on a night when my parents were planning on going to a University of Louisville basketball game. The date was December 17, 1960. They made it to the hospital. I am still a UofL fan.

The Wonder Years
Oh the wonder years. That time in life where everything is all fun! Grew up in Louisville, home of the Kentucky Derby.

Spent a lot of time playing baseball and football. My parents were divorced was I was seven. It had a major impact on my life. My dad lived on the Ohio River and did until he passed away. Water skied quite a bit when I was in my teens. Miss my dad quite a bit these days.

High School
If you want to throw me in a category I was a jock. Played football, wrestled, dated cheerleaders, wrestled with cheerleaders. Led Zeppelin ruled.

I discovered that I have a brain. Dean’s List and all that stuff. For the record I went to Eastern Kentucky University.

OK, maybe I really did not need a brain. Did not join a frat, got invited to more parties that way. Was a psych major for a while. Did not like playing with rats. Switched to marketing. Sold bibles door to door the summer between my junior and senior year.

Early Adulthood
Went into sales when the girl across the hall told me her father was the Vice President of Marketing at a Louisville firm. Bought a boat. Skied some more. Was a pretty decent beach volleyball player. Quit my job and left Louisville to pursue my MBA.  I doubt if I will ever live in Louisville again. Not that it is a bad
place or anything.

My Wife and Real Adulthood
Abby, my wife, most recently worked at Coca-Cola, a place which isn’t quite as cool a place to be as MindSpring. She had to wear suits, panty hose and stuff like that. On the days that she felt really daring she actually wore pants to work! She was afraid to do it the first time. However, their bennies made up for other
shortcomings. We have talked about her becoming a MindSpringer but she is a marketer too and we don’t think that would work out. I interview a lot of her former co-workers. Before Coke she worked at Leo Burnett and Taco Bell. She left Coke when Kate, our daughter, got an ear infection and had to have tubes put in. I am more proud of her as a professional mom then I am of her being a professional professional.

Abby and I met at Indiana University while in graduate school. She had a few dates with my roommate. Five years later she invited me to go out and play in NYC and (she claims) innocently told me I could stay the night with her in the city (I lived across the Hudson in Hoboken) if we stayed out too late. Well …. one
thing led to another and the rest is history. We have been married since the spring of 1995. I am very happy.

Our First Baby
We had our first child together in the fall of 1998, Katherine Clarie. She came out 9 pounds 3 ounces. Abby had to go natural (not her choice!). Kate is a great tempered strong girl. We like to tell ourselves that it is due to superior parenting skills. We actually know better. We are simply blessed. I am happier.

Our Second Baby
Our second child was born on January 2, James Benjamin. He was five hours and 11 minutes too late to be a millennium baby. Or actually he was about 364 days early. Another big one weighing in at 9 pounds 4 ounces. A boy and a girl. I think we will stop.

October 28, 2009  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Personal