The Growth of ATDC Dot Org

I hate writing appraisals.  I like giving them, and believe that the best way to do so is through day to day conversations.  I mean if an employee is surprised by what is in a performance review, it really is the fault of the manager.  But I hate writing them.

Regardless, as we enter the new year the performance review season is upon us.  As I am doing a self appraisal.  One of my objectives is to update and implement the ATDC's marketing plan, manage the ATDC's web properties, and write at least a dozen blog articles.  Here's how I did.

A new marketing plan was implemented.  The new plan focused almost exclusively on online marketing and the use of social media.  Evidence of the success of this plan can be seen in traffic to ATDC web properties.  Unique visitors grew 38% to 79,950 from 57,741.  Page view growth was even more dramatic, increasing to 283,128 from 149,715 an 89% growth rate.  Moreover this traffic generated 478 inquiries for ATDC services versus 231 such requests in the previous year.

The change in ATDC strategy required intense focus on managing ATDC Web properties.  A new web site to support ATDC's new strategic direction was launched in seven days and three more versions have rolled out since then.  I personally wrote 44 blog articles.

Nice numbers.

January 15, 2010  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Marketing, Social