Team Meme

If you put Ron Conway and Paul Graham on a stage together talking about investing you learn some interesting things.  

At about the 23 minute mark of the video PG starts talking about team size. Four is bad. One is a bit better. Two and three teams seem to do best. This started quite the discussion across the Internet about startup teams. A part of that discussion is listed web log style below.

Technical Co-Founders Are A Myth; Michael Pope.

What To Look For In A Business Co-Founder; Jason Baptiste.

Business Cofounders Are A Dime A Dozen; Joshua Volz. 

The Magical Founding Team Mix For Web Startups; Dharmesh Shah.

As I said before this whole meme started, I like three.  You need a developer, most important person in the bunch. If you don't have a person that can build a functional product you are doomed. Number two is a a front end developer that can also design. Design is very important in this day and age. You need these folks to work together as a product team. A business person is nice but not necessary number three (tough thing for a business guy to say). This biz person needs a combination of what some of the links point out. The business person needs to bring money, the access to money, customer development skills, the ability to do deals, marketing skills, and a strong grasp of technology.

I also agree with lots of folks that it is easier to teach technical people business skills than business people technical skills. Lots of advisors and mentors that are willing to take talented technical folks under their wings and teach them the ropes.

How about you?  What are you looking for in a co-founder?

August 17, 2010  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship, Management, Startups