Help A Reporter Out

My dear friend SJ sent me a note the other day. One of the things that I learned in the note is that I ALWAYS called her SJ. I am the reason SJ became her blog persona.

While you would never know it from the content of Give Me The Booger, SJ is a pretty accomplished marketer.  This is in part what her note said.

Are you familiar with HARO (Help A Reporter Out)?

I think some of your start-ups would benefit from editorial solicitations like this. It's also a secret no PR firm wants their clients to know about–because this is how they find a lot of "pitches."  This goes to 12,000 emails daily, I believe, and it comes 3 times a day–so lots of free publicity opportunities out there for start-ups and established companies as well.


I was not familiar with HARO.  Now I am.  And so are you.  If you are too early stage to afford a PR firm this might be a good way to find yourself a little media coverage.

February 12, 2009  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Marketing