Quote of the Week

"The thing I like to see is three personality types at the beginning of a company.  A director of engineering to build a demoable product.  A CTO who can expound on a vision.  And someone who is focused on building the company, selling the vision of the company, and marketing the company."

George Zachary

George does a pretty good job of defining a "good team" for an early stage technology startup.  He made this statement in a panel entitled "20 Questions for VCs" at TechCrunch50 which I stumbled upon prepping for Meet the VC.  You can watch the entire panel below.  Lots of the same issues on the West coast as the East coast is my key takeaway.

Update:  I threw out the video because the autoplay feature is annoying.  You can view the video here.

September 19, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Quotes

Doing the Deal

The Atlanta Technology Angels are sponsoring a "Power of Angel Investing" seminar next Tuesday from 12 – 5.  The topic of this seminar is "Doing the Deal: Term Sheet Workshop."  The seminar is going to cover term sheet deal terms and feature a panel including Jeff Leavitt, Melanie Leeth, and Clark Gilder. 

I intend to be there and Knox Massey has been kind enough to offer up a few seats for aspiring entrepreneurs who are marching down the road toward raising an angel round.  If you are interested in attending please contact me directly and we will make something happen as room allows.

Update:  The Session is Now Full.

September 17, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Angels, Entrepreneurship

Submit Your Tough Questions to Meet the VC

ATDC is gearing up for its first Meet the VC session this week.   Alan Taetle of Noro-Moseley Partners is going to be the featured venture capitalist.

I’ve known Alan for quite some time and have plenty of questions for him, but since this program was launched based on the chatter that was taking place on FoG, I would also like to know what you would ask him.

Submit your questions in comments, and I will select some of the best ones to ask Alan.  If you happen to like a question that’s already been mentioned, you can second it or refine it
by commenting as well.

September 16, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in atdc, Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital

Quote of the Week

"The key issue is will the global war on terror ultimately achieve the objective."

Andrew Bacevich

Bacevich has a unique background.  He is a Professor of International Relations and History at Boston University.  He is also a West Point graduate who served in the Army during Vietnam and and former Lieutenant Colonel with experience in the Persian Gulf.

He made the above statement In an interview by Terry Gross on Fresh Air, the award winning NPR show, yesterday.  It is a fascinating discussion well worth the 40 minute listen.  You can do so here.  Bacevich believes that United States foreign policy should be at the center of the debate in the presidential election.  His rational discourse is refreshing.  Bacevich lays out a fairly compelling argument that the US should adopt a containment strategy like that used in the war on communism to fight terrorism.  He may be right.

Listen to the interview and decide for yourself.

September 12, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Quotes

Toastmaster For Entrepreneurs

Earlier this week Paul Freet threw down the startup gauntlet.  Like "Meet The VC",  another byproduct of the Haynie effect

Reality is, no one would tell you if your concept sucks, until now.  Fun UFC like no holds barred startup action with the purpose is to vet your concept in front of an honest audience.  Straight talk to get entrepreneurs to a yes or no quicker.

Let’s get it on!

{And note standard disclaimer that you can find in the lower right sidebar.}

September 10, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship

START Atlanta

When of the primary objectives of Startup Weekend is to build a stronger startup community in Atlanta.  I was pleased when someone told me a few weeks ago that the company that they had formed was largely based on relationships established at Startup Weekend.

Now START Atlanta is coming out of the gate and put together by Startup Weekend vets Mathew Sweezey, Duncan Freeman, Wei Yang,  Patrick Clements, Ray Abram,
Alan Pinstein, Josh Watts, Paul Stamatiou and Loren Norman.  START Atlanta is a non-profit organization formed to help foster better startup companies and bring investors new opportunities with smaller outlays of capital. START Atlanta is holding a kickoff event the weekend of September 19th.  Details are below.

When: September 19,20,21
Location: Appcelerator office space in Buckhead
Sign up: Facebook Events
Who is invited: Investors, Entrepreneurs, Developers, Designers, anyone interested in making a change in the community

September 8, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship

Atlanta Startup Weekend 2

Atlanta Startup Weekend 2 registration is now open.  The event is taking place November 7 through 9.  ATDC is playing host for the second year.  In addition to ATDC, Angus McRae and Atlanta CEO Council have once again stepped up to sponsor the event.  And I am very excited that Vendormate has joined as a sponsor.  It’s just great to see growing technology companies involved.  Update:  Purewire is now a sponsor.  Update 2: Appcelerator is now a sponsor. ( I am looking for a few more sponsors as well as some volunteers to lend a hand in both the planning and execution of the event.)

This year the number of participants will be increased to over 100 because the format is changing from last year.  We
will not be focusing on a single concept as we did with last year with Skribit.
This year we will move as many concepts forward as the community is
willing to support, hence we can have more people involved without
getting too many cooks in one kitchen.  Company formation is not a requirement.

It costs just under $40 to participate, but can be the experience of a lifetime.

If you want to play I suggest you register soon.  This is going to sell out real quick.

September 3, 2008  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in atdc, Entrepreneurship, Startups