Closing Day

Seems like the City of Atlanta has come to its senses and is abandoning the "Every day is an Opening Day" marketing campaign.

According to Ken Bernhardt, who did some research on the matter, only 3% of respondents could recall the slogan.  On top of that, participants in test markets (where the ads ran) were less likely to recommend Atlanta for a weekend getaway then those markets where Brand Atlanta did not advertise.

And while I have to buy soap to take to school so my kids can wash their hands after they go to the bathroom, the city spent $15 million on this. 23%, an outrageous amount, was spent on ad agency fees.  Shame on you Grey Worldwide, Lattimer Moffitt, Spunlogic, and Ignition.

Money quote; "This was really just a joke from the beginning."

Indeed.  Told you so.

October 1, 2007  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Marketing