Atlanta Launches

Not too long ago Rob Kischuk issued a challenge.  Essentially he threw down the gauntlet to Atlanta Startup Weekend participants.  If you are going to play, play with the intent to launch. Paul Stamatiou took up the rally cry.  And Paul had a pretty consistent question during the opening pitches.  "Can you build it in a weekend?"

Atlanta has a strong Startup Weekend history.  Both Skribit and Twitpay were companies that made it out of the gate before the end of the weekend.  Both have received seed funding.  There is a bit of a legacy to uphold.  The big plan was select and form on Friday, get to prototype before going home on Saturday, and get out the door by Sunday presentation time. 

And did the people that participated in Atlanta Startup Weekend 3 answer the challenge and hold up the legacy.  Six products were launched this past weekend.  Yes six.  And two others made it to rather impressive demos.





Remarkable. Eight teams had something to show on Sunday night.  Rumor is that two of them have revenue.  XpenseTrack went to Startup Gauntlet on Tuesday night and won the pitch competition. 

It will be interesting to watch these projects develop.  There are one or two in the bunch that could evolve into interesting companies.

November 19, 2009  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Startups