Sustaining Startups in Atlanta

Back in September the fine institute for which I have the honor to carry on my work published a piece entitled "Atlanta Kills Off Start-Up Companies."  The words chosen for the headline were, shall we say, unfortunate.  It could have just have easily been called "Connectivity Key to Atlanta Startup Ecosystem" or by the paper's official title "The Communal Roots of Entrepreneurial-Technological Growth?  Social Fragmentation and the Economic Stagnation of Atlanta’s IT Cluster."  Not as catchy I suppose.

Regardless the study's author, Dan Breznitz assistant professor in the Schools of
International Affairs and Public Policy within the Ivan Allen College
of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech, has taken to the local speaking circuit.  He recently presented the findings from his study to the Atlanta Technology Angels.

I have written extensively about the Atlanta technology startup ecosystem for the past three years.  I don't disagree with Dan's findings.  I do have some questions about his conclusions.

On Thursday morning I intend to get those questions answered at the TAG/ATDC Entrepreneurs Society meeting.  Dan is being joined on a panel with Linnea Geiss of Arcapita, Mark Johnson of Total Technology Ventures, Patrick Taylor of Oversight Systems, and John C. Yates of Morris, Manning & Martin. 

If you have an interest in the Atlanta startup ecosystem this is a must attend event.  It's going to be a good show.  You can register here.

And here's the full study if you care to read it.

Download AtlpaperMay19th

December 1, 2009  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Entrepreneurship, Startups, Venture Capital