Startup Riot Pitch Hour 3

Live commentary on the third and final hour of pitches at Startup Riot. Fourteen companies to go.

eWide Networks

local reference to help students get a more balanced college experience
and propel themselves into a career they’re passionate about is what
they say in the brochure.  What the first slide says is “events
calendar.”  Easy to create, organize, integrate, and share.  I don’t
get why it is different than Gcal.  Freemium model.


Provides established online sellers access to capital they can use to grow their
business when they list products for sale.  Big market.  Great simple explanation of a difficult to grasp concept. Use deep data to loan.  Raised $1.4 million.  Launching in 60 days.  Strong presentation style.


A vocal social network.  Currently in private beta.  Remember what David Skok said about identifying blocks to people adopting your service?  It applies here.

The Plan Is

Web app that makes it easy to but together a what-if based plan
based on deadlines.  Cool idea.  Good presentation.  Not sure if there
is a company here but I am not the target.  If you are the beta is
available at

Abundant Closet

An online virtual closet and automated personal stylist.  Again not
in the the target.  Company is a CapVenture grad and the presentation
reflects that experience. Raised $300k, want to close an additional $900k.  Will need revenue in these parts to do so.

A simple, secure free lost and found tool.  A Startup Weekend company.  Need some marketing help. ImHonest seems a lot more straight forward.


An online financial that allows users to create ROSCAs.  Nice
opening. Great opening.  Nice clean slides.  I don’t know what a ROSCA
is.  Do you?

Web app to manage real estate communications, documents, and data.  It may be those real estate types to move away from their fax machines.  Great presentation.


Start by not reading your presentation.  It is a city and group guide that gives users picture based suggestions instead of text.  Big name partners such as Citysearch and Ticketmaster.  Complex business and revenue model.


Interviewing made easy for companies that do have volume hiring.  Places like call centers. I know this company and like it a lot.  Good concept, sound business model.  Looking to expand customer base and an investment with the amount unstated.


GI instrumentation with a focus in the minimally invasive market.   Device is in final prototype.  Want to sell or license to a larger company, the only company thus far to mention exit strategy.


An online marketplace where people can find and buy plants from independent garden center.  It’s Etsy for plants.  Revenue model is a percentage commission on each sale made.  I coach the company.


Creates software for cellular machine to machine modems and smart devices focusing on robust connectivity, remote management, and scalability.  Out of Raleigh.


Concise entertaining articles to help create social conversations.  Not sure of the state of the company, the team or the market.

That’s a wrap.  Now we are going to vote for winners.


February 17, 2010  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Presentations, Startups