Sig Cares

Last night I was invited out to Villa Christina for The Technology Executives Roundtable to attend the John Imlay Leadership Award Ceremony in honor of Sig Mosley, president of Imlay Investments. Sig has been involved with over 125 deals over the years. This summer, before he shut down actively investing in new deals, he did five in a closing frenzy.

The arrival of the crowd literally overwhelmed the valets. The place was packed with true tech luminaries. 

After being presented the first ever John Imlay Leadership Award to a rousing ovation Sig sat down for a chat with the award namesake, John Imlay. It was the highlight of the evening.  John is quite the character and a fun fellow. But at one point he got pretty serious and said "Sig cares". And Sig does. Sig cares about every entrepreneur he meets, every company he invests in, and making the Atlanta tech scene a little bit of a better place than when he started.

While famous for "Sig said no" he is not saying that much these days. But he still cares. Sig cares. A fitting epitaph for a living legend bestowed by none other than the man that got out his big checkbook to make a difference.

November 17, 2010  |  Comments  |  Tweet  |  Posted in Angels