FoG turned five this week. As been the habit here are the stats over the course of the life of the blog.
One Two Three Four Five
Visitors 2,525 12,792 43,166 46,445 40,745
Posts 135 204 178 152 158
Comments 52 253 685 655 402
Conversational Index .38 1.24 3.85 4.31 2.54
Technorati Rank 788,400 189,138 180,054 46,798 41,981
Blog Grader Rank 10,442 56,879
Interesting. Posts are basically flat while visitors and comments are down. I still attribute this to a conscious decision to not write to build traffic. I have moved away from articles that get things all stirred up while not being impactful.
The most concerning thing to me is the drop in comments. At its core FoG is a an Atlanta startup community blog. One of the few that has remained active over the past five years. If the community is not talking it is concerning. Part of that may be the type of content I am presenting. Part of it may be that FoG needs a bit of a commenting/social facelift (a goal for 2011) as reflected in the Blog Grader rank drop. Part of it may be something that I do not quite grasp just yet. If you have any thoughts on that I am eager to hear them.
Lastly the Technorati rank is interesting. Yes, I am aware that this is a bit of an old metric but perhaps also meaningful. If you take the drop in traffic coupled with the increase in ranking it would lead to a conclusion that less people are reading blogs these days. Not a big surprise to an online ADD world that is being trained to think in 140.
So FoG is five. Happy birthday. And thanks to all of you that make it what it is.